Non-Surgical Double Chin Filler

A strong chin and streamlined lower face are important elements of attractiveness, adding definition, creating symmetry, and bringing balance to facial features. For individuals who desire more definition in this area, Dr. Emaile performs nonsurgical chin augmentation using injectable dermal fillers. He can also contour the neck and jaw using fillers and neurotoxins, and slim the neck using KYBELLA® injections.

Non-Surgical Nose Filler Q & A

Kybella permanently eliminates submental fat, which is the excess fat under your chin. The primary ingredient in Kybella is a synthetic form of deoxycholic acid, which is naturally found in your body.

Deoxycholic acid normally breaks down dietary fat when you digest foods. When it’s injected under your chin, it breaks down fat cells, then your body naturally clears away the waste so the fat is gone for good.

Non-surgical chin enhancement is a safe, minimally invasive alternative to traditional chin augmentation with implants. The procedure is designed to enhance the appearance of the chin and the lower face. It involves injecting specially selected dermal fillers into precise areas of the chin to increase its width, length, or projection, using a needle or a microcannula. Treatment is performed with topical anesthesia, and patients experience very little pain or discomfort. With a customized procedure, we have the ability to mold a person’s chin to add definition, create symmetry, and bring the chin into a more pleasing balance with the remaining facial features.

Both men and women detest the unpleasant sight of double chin (medically known as submental fullness). So many of our patients have tried everything possible to reduce or eliminate double chin— from facial or jaw exercises, purported to tighten the area under the chin, to surgical procedures. Fortunately, there’s a new way to get rid of the double chin permanently without surgery. Kybella™ is the new FDA-approved injectable drug that melts double chin permanently. It involves a series of small injections that destroy fat cells and tighten up your neck. Once destroyed, the cells can no longer store fat. With Kybella™, you don’t have to carry around that unnecessary extra chin anymore.

Hyaluronic acid-based fillers, such as those in the Juvéderm (Allergan) and Restylane (Galderma) ranges, as well as Belotero (Merz) are worth a shot when your eyes need a scalpel-free lift. The different variations can be used to smooth fine fines, fill under-eye hollows, and camouflage darkness.Now that there are formulations made specifically for different issues and areas, eye rejuvenation with injectables can be completely customized for the most natural-looking results — and improvement can last for up to a year or more.

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To fight the effects of time, restore tighter skin, and softening wrinkles

PRP therapy uses to regenerative ability to treat cosmetic problems

Effectively boosts hair growth and slows down hair loss.

eliminate severe wrinkles like forehead furrows.

Quickly transform your appearance with a nonsurgical double chin filler

Minimally invasive procedure for the face, neck, or jowls

To erase the years and smooth away wrinkles

Eliminates your unwanted hair and is safe for every skin type

Look beyond the surface

Resurfacing treatment that clears your pores out, plus hydrates your skin.

Important tools for your health & young-looking skin.

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Procedure that relies on sound waves to flush fat from the body instead of intensive surgery

Reduce the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles & Relieve arthritic pain, muscle pain

A therapy that delivers fluids directly into a vein.

Getting rid of the superficial fatty layer right beneath the skin

A Powerful Healing Combination

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