Thermage Flx

Thermage FLX system The latest innovation from a pioneer in skin tightening
The outstanding and consistent resultsyou expect from Thermage, now designed
for fast, comfortable treatments.
Non-invasive radiofrequency (RF) therapy for the treatment of periorbital wrinkles and rhytids including the upper and lower eyelids, non-invasive treatment of wrinkles and rhytids and temporary improvement in the appearance of cellulite.

Thermage Flx Q & A

For most patients, measurable results appear gradually in the two to six months following a single treatment session and can last for 1-2 years depending on your skin condition and aging process.

Unlike many cosmetic procedures requiring multiple sessions, Thermage FLX delivers results after a single treatment. Best of all, results continue to improve over time.

The cost depends on the area you’re having treated. Your doctor can give you a more precise idea of cost based on where you want to see results.

The Thermage FLX™ system incorporates vibration on the face and body treatments, which has been shown to provide patient comfort.

You’ll feel a brief heating sensation when the treatment device’s tip touches your skin, followed by a cooling sensation to help protect your skin and minimize any discomfort.

Some patients have temporary redness or minor swelling after treatment, but this usually goes away within 24 hours.

Most patients return to their regular activities immediately following treatment. No special care is required afterward, aside from basic skin maintenance and sunscreens as part of a regular skincare regimen.

Get expert advice at a time to suit you.


To fight the effects of time, restore tighter skin, and softening wrinkles

PRP therapy uses to regenerative ability to treat cosmetic problems

Effectively boosts hair growth and slows down hair loss.

eliminate severe wrinkles like forehead furrows.

Quickly transform your appearance with a nonsurgical double chin filler

Minimally invasive procedure for the face, neck, or jowls

To erase the years and smooth away wrinkles

Eliminates your unwanted hair and is safe for every skin type

Look beyond the surface

Resurfacing treatment that clears your pores out, plus hydrates your skin.

Important tools for your health & young-looking skin.

skin tightening treatments

Procedure that relies on sound waves to flush fat from the body instead of intensive surgery

Reduce the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles & Relieve arthritic pain, muscle pain

A therapy that delivers fluids directly into a vein.

Getting rid of the superficial fatty layer right beneath the skin

A Powerful Healing Combination

Help you gain control over undesired behaviors or to help you cope better with anxiety or pain

One of the most powerful processes and techniques for personal change and growth by facilitating the elimination of the painful emotions attached to memories or events in the past