Ultrasound Cavitation

Weight loss is more than a goal these days, it’s an entire industry. That’s why finding the right services to help you can be tricky. One treatment that may help you slim down is ultrasonic cavitation. But what is ultrasonic cavitation, exactly, and how does it help you with your weight loss goals?

Put simply, ultrasonic cavitation is a weight-loss treatment that uses low-frequency sound waves to burst fat cells, which may result in lost inches on the treated areas and (ultimately) a slimmer figure. It’s been growing in popularity over the last few years because while traditional liposuction requires surgery to remove fat, this procedure doesn’t.

Ultrasound Cavitation Q & A

Ultrasonic cavitation is a simple procedure that relies on sound waves to flush fat from the body instead of intensive surgery.

During an ultrasonic cavitation procedure, noninvasive machines target specific body areas with low-frequency sound waves (they’re what put the “ultrasonic” in “ultrasonic cavitation”) and, in some cases, light suction. This process heats and vibrates the layer of fat cells below the skin’s surface. The pressure eventually causes the fat cells to liquefy and release their contents into the bloodstream.

Proponents of the procedure believe that the body is then able to process these fatty acids through its proverbial waste-disposal plant: the lymphatic system.

Yes, but results may vary! Depending on your individual health history and body type, you may slim down more or less dramatically than others.

Results can vary greatly from patient to patient. However, you should see:

  1. Reduced circumference in the treated area (due to fat-cell release)
  2. An overall contoured appearance (due to a combination of the benefits listed above)

Although most practices that offer ultrasonic cavitation claim you’ll see results after the first session, they also caution that between 8 and 12 sessions are needed for optimum results. The exact number of treatments needed will vary due to factors such as age, weight, and the area being treated. Each treatment should take about 30–50 minutes.

“Ultrasonic cavitation” is a catchall term for noninvasive liposuction that works through low-frequency sound waves. Different spas and doctor’s offices use different devices to perform their procedures. Though similar, the machines can differ when it comes to the precise frequency and concentration of the sound waves. Some commonly used machine brands are UltraShape and Cavi-Lipo.

VASER Liposuction vs. Ultrasonic Cavitation

While VASER and ultrasonic cavitations treatments both use ultrasound waves to remove fat, VASER is a type of surgical liposuction. It still involves incisions and a longer recovery period.

Ultrasonic cavitation does not destroy fat cells; rather, it empties them of their contents, which means the cells are capable of storing fat again. A balanced diet is the only way to ensure lasting results. Those who take in more calories than they burn will see their improvement start to decrease over time.

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