yoga & REIKI

Reiki Yoga is the union of two ancient traditions to offer physical, mental, and spiritual wellness. It is a soothing practice that combines carefully selected gentle Yin Yoga postures held for 3 to 5 minutes, with a Reiki treatment offered by a master using the imposition of the hands to support and boost the natural healing and cleansing processes in the body. This unique and exclusive combination, signature of The Yoga Trail, encourages the flow of life energy (Prana or Ki) in the body removing blockages and unbalances in the chakras, re-establishing inner peace and well-being.

yoga & REIKI Q & A

Reiki is a Japanese energy modality in which the practitioner lays his or her hands on, or above, areas of the body to aid in healing. A student studies with a Reiki master and becomes attuned to the universal energy.

Reiki can heal on a physical, mental, and spiritual level. It can help with physical pain, insomnia, depression, and much, much more. Once attuned to the energy, you can administer Reiki on yourself, other people, animals, plants, food, and water.

One of the most widely practiced forms of yoga is asana, or postures that connect movement with breath. But, there is much more about yoga to explore beyond asana; seven other limbs, in fact.

There may come a time in your practice where physical poses aren’t as essential as what is blooming internally.

Yoga and Reiki can be used in conjunction with one another to experience ultimate transformation. Yoga can be likened to peeling away the layers of an onion. As each layer sheds, more and more unravels about the self. The process can be both empowering and a little scary.

It is between these sensitive layers where the application of energy work such as Reiki can have a life-changing response. Once one is completely open to receiving, Reiki will go to the area of the body, mind, or spirit, where it is most needed.

During a workshop I was holding, one student felt a deep connection to a loss that the person next to him was experiencing, though the person hadn’t shared this information with the group. The student was able to reach out and offer unconditional love and understanding.

In another instance, a student got the nudge to leave the career path she was currently on and make a change.

To prepare to heal with both yoga and Reiki, first replace doubt and fear with a sense of adventure!

Begin with slow, intentional breath and meditation before initiating asana. Your asana practice can last from a few minutes up to a full yoga practice. After movement, find a supported seat or reclined pose such as Savasana to begin a self-treatment, or have a Reiki practitioner facilitate healing.

Keep an open heart, and release any attachment to the outcome of your session. Though Reiki and yoga are very different, practicing them together can be a fortunate discovery for nourishing the inner self.

Get expert advice at a time to suit you.


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